Thursday, December 6, 2012

Upfront Article "The Amputate QB"

                "A tackler dived and grabbed his legs. Rainey tried to shed him, fighting for more yardage, and then he went blank. 'I feel like I blacked out for a second' he says. 'I just heard a pop and the next thing I knew I was on the ground'", (O'Brien 12). This is what happened to eighteen year old Jacob Rainey from Virginia playing quarterback for his football team. After this football accident Jacob had to have his lower right leg amputated because his right leg was dislocated at the knee and an artery had popped causing him to lose circulation in his leg. Having a prosthetic leg left him no hope to ever play football again. This did not stop Jacob he tells us, "' When people tell me I can't do anything the stubborness I have just pushes me forward,'" (O'Brien 13).

                In March, six months after having his leg amputated, Jacob met with a physical therapist named David Lawrence. Jacob's hope of playing football was very slim. He couldn't run, he could barely walk on his prosthetic leg. Jacob's mother Kathy did not stand in Jacob's way, she encouraged him to make the right decision. The following season Jacob's coach had to make a difficult desision, should he let Jacob start as quarterback knowing that he could possibly be reinjured. Clinton Alexander, Jacob's coach thought about this question for a good, long time. After thinking, Clinton decided to let Jacob start but only allowing him five plays. When it was time for Jacob to exit the game, Jacob had thrown one pass and had gotten the team their first touchdown of the new season. Jacob's biggest accomplishment was the fact that he got back out on the football field again. The author of the article "The Amputate QB" is trying to show kids and even adults that believing will help you acheive many goals in life. Also, don't let an accident like Jacob's be a barrier in life, try to find a way around instead of sitting back and letting life take it's path.

                This story is similar to the story of Oscar Pistorious, a South American sprinter. Oscar had to have both of his legs amuputated from the knee down when he was only eleven years old. Oscar just competed in the 2012 Olypmic games in London, England. He is the T44 world record holder for the 200 and 400 meter events. T44 stands for single below knee amputees, even though he is considered a T43 which is double below knee amputees. Having amputated legs did not stop Oscar from completing his goal nor did it stop Jacob from playing football ever again. Information from 


  1. That was a really good article Skyler. I thought it was really interesting that Jacob had the guts to out and play football again, I know I wouldn't be able to. I probably would've just faced the facts that I would be able to do it. I wonder why Jacob decided to play football again. Was it the fact that he loved football so much or did he want to prove to everybody that he could do it? Overall, it was a really good article! I hope to read more great articles from you.

  2. I definetly agree with Deanna that you did a great job on the article and how Jacob really needed guts to get back into the game. I think you did a great job explaining what the article was about. I especially liked the intro where you used a quote to start it off, and how you got more information about amputee athletes off of the Internet. Awesome job Skyler!

  3. It must be hard to run with an amputated leg. My uncle had to have his leg amputated too. Playing football is hard being a quarterback, but having an amputated leg and playing quarterback must be super hard. Him going out back onto the field is a good inspiration. The article must have been good, I wish I could have read it.
