Thursday, December 20, 2012

I Have A Dream.......

             Would you just stand there and watch an innocent child die from an assault weapon wound? What would you do if you had an automatic weapon pointed at you? This is what happened at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut, this should never have happened. There should be no unnecessary use of fully automatic weapons in order to protect the lives of all the communities.

              I'm sure we have all heard about the sad tragedy in Newtown, Connecticut. Those twenty six lives should not have been taken, if there were stricter rules to limit the use of weapons this whole incident may not have happened. The senseless incident in Newtown stirs terrible memories of the 1999 attacks at Columbine. The number of school shootings is somewhat hard to total but are estimated at greater than 175. President Bill Clinton signed the Federal Assault Weapon Ban in 1994 and it expired in 2004 and multiple attempts to renew the ban have failed. It is time to support our legislature and work together to reenact the Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act to attempt to eliminate this type of tragic life loss. One innocent person killed by an automatic weapon is one too many.

              One of the topics being discussed is demanding much stricter background checks on applicants, including detailed mental health history. Another topic has to do with the actual production of firearms. Limiting the number of bullets a feeding device can hold, to ten rounds and allowing the firearm to only shoot one bullet when the trigger is pulled, these are both referenced in the Federal Assault Weapon Ban.

People in Virginia should not have to worry about automatic weapons
People in Oregon should not have to worry about automatic weapons
People in Colorado should not have to worry about automatic weapons
People in Connecticut should not have to worry about automatic weapons
People of America should not have to worry about automatic weapons
We are the people and we must stand together and support this important safety issue. You could be the next person that dies from an assault weapon.


  1. I agree there must be stricter rules on the use of guns. Machine guns and assault weapons are not necessary or needed. You do not need a machine gun to protect yourself against a robber, nor do you need a machine gun to go hunting as it is said that a machine gun is more likely to wound an animal then kill it. Machine guns should only be used by the military. I agree that that guns should be limited to one shot per trigger pull. Machine guns are not needed and so they should be outlawed from public use.

  2. Hey Skyler,
    I really do agree that people shouldn't have assualt weapons because some people use them for reasons like, to kill someone or to rob a store. What are people thinking??? No child should have to die by an assault weapon. Seriously!!!!

  3. I agree that people should have to have a background check before they are allowed an assault weapon. I also believe that they should do something about keeping the weapons in homes, because after all, that's how the Connecticut shooter got his gun. Like Alec said, guns should only be used for military, and maybe other authority such as policemen and government officials, but no public use! It's crazy! Why did we even invent guns and drugs and other things in the first place? If these were never invented we would not have had as many tragic accidents as we have!

  4. I really liked your opening, Skyler! I thought everything else was good: the details and the closing. I also liked how you mentioned the Columnbine incident as well because it strengthened your speech. The only negative things and it isn't really, is that you do have your facts wrong. In the Newtown Shooting, a fully-automatic assault rifle wasn't used but it was, in fact a semi-automatic Glock pistol. Everything else but that tiny little thing was good. Great job!
