Thursday, December 20, 2012

I Have A Dream.......

             Would you just stand there and watch an innocent child die from an assault weapon wound? What would you do if you had an automatic weapon pointed at you? This is what happened at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut, this should never have happened. There should be no unnecessary use of fully automatic weapons in order to protect the lives of all the communities.

              I'm sure we have all heard about the sad tragedy in Newtown, Connecticut. Those twenty six lives should not have been taken, if there were stricter rules to limit the use of weapons this whole incident may not have happened. The senseless incident in Newtown stirs terrible memories of the 1999 attacks at Columbine. The number of school shootings is somewhat hard to total but are estimated at greater than 175. President Bill Clinton signed the Federal Assault Weapon Ban in 1994 and it expired in 2004 and multiple attempts to renew the ban have failed. It is time to support our legislature and work together to reenact the Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act to attempt to eliminate this type of tragic life loss. One innocent person killed by an automatic weapon is one too many.

              One of the topics being discussed is demanding much stricter background checks on applicants, including detailed mental health history. Another topic has to do with the actual production of firearms. Limiting the number of bullets a feeding device can hold, to ten rounds and allowing the firearm to only shoot one bullet when the trigger is pulled, these are both referenced in the Federal Assault Weapon Ban.

People in Virginia should not have to worry about automatic weapons
People in Oregon should not have to worry about automatic weapons
People in Colorado should not have to worry about automatic weapons
People in Connecticut should not have to worry about automatic weapons
People of America should not have to worry about automatic weapons
We are the people and we must stand together and support this important safety issue. You could be the next person that dies from an assault weapon.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Upfront Article "The Amputate QB"

                "A tackler dived and grabbed his legs. Rainey tried to shed him, fighting for more yardage, and then he went blank. 'I feel like I blacked out for a second' he says. 'I just heard a pop and the next thing I knew I was on the ground'", (O'Brien 12). This is what happened to eighteen year old Jacob Rainey from Virginia playing quarterback for his football team. After this football accident Jacob had to have his lower right leg amputated because his right leg was dislocated at the knee and an artery had popped causing him to lose circulation in his leg. Having a prosthetic leg left him no hope to ever play football again. This did not stop Jacob he tells us, "' When people tell me I can't do anything the stubborness I have just pushes me forward,'" (O'Brien 13).

                In March, six months after having his leg amputated, Jacob met with a physical therapist named David Lawrence. Jacob's hope of playing football was very slim. He couldn't run, he could barely walk on his prosthetic leg. Jacob's mother Kathy did not stand in Jacob's way, she encouraged him to make the right decision. The following season Jacob's coach had to make a difficult desision, should he let Jacob start as quarterback knowing that he could possibly be reinjured. Clinton Alexander, Jacob's coach thought about this question for a good, long time. After thinking, Clinton decided to let Jacob start but only allowing him five plays. When it was time for Jacob to exit the game, Jacob had thrown one pass and had gotten the team their first touchdown of the new season. Jacob's biggest accomplishment was the fact that he got back out on the football field again. The author of the article "The Amputate QB" is trying to show kids and even adults that believing will help you acheive many goals in life. Also, don't let an accident like Jacob's be a barrier in life, try to find a way around instead of sitting back and letting life take it's path.

                This story is similar to the story of Oscar Pistorious, a South American sprinter. Oscar had to have both of his legs amuputated from the knee down when he was only eleven years old. Oscar just competed in the 2012 Olypmic games in London, England. He is the T44 world record holder for the 200 and 400 meter events. T44 stands for single below knee amputees, even though he is considered a T43 which is double below knee amputees. Having amputated legs did not stop Oscar from completing his goal nor did it stop Jacob from playing football ever again. Information from 

Friday, November 30, 2012

What if all the streets were rivers? What would be different?

Homework for November 30, 2012

            If all the streets were rivers there would be no way to ride bicycles or drive cars. Instead the whole world would have to get around by boat. You would have to go to the market on a boat and go to school on a boat. No one would be able to take their dog for a walk on the sidewalk or go for a jog and get exercise. If everyone drove boats how would you park them, you may have to use buoys or anchors to keep them still. The whole world would be different except for the fact that you still have to buy gas to fill your transportation. It would be different because there wouldn't be car washes or tire stores. There would be boat washes and motor stores instead. What happens in the winter when the water freezes everyone would be trapped at home. Some people may have to buy ice skates to get around and go to the market.It may be hard for people to get to work if the streets were rivers. The world would be a completely different place if all the streets were rivers.

Have A Great Weekend!!!

I hope everyone has a great weekend and everyone keeps up the hard work during the 2nd trimester! See you all on Monday!!!

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